Human minds are adventurous. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff.. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. Science does not have any explanation to this. Human beings are a curious lot. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. Both became presidents after similar victories. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first.

These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. No one has explanations. In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. The fairies were made of paper.Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic.. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer. It was an unbelievable event. But things with no explanations fascinate them. What's true, what's not only time will tell. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. Twosisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden.Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Take this one. Held office for nearly same number of days.

Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. People are intrigued by such happenings.Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies.Believe the stuff or scoff at it.Science and scientists try a lot. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain.But thousands spring bending machine of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. Issues with explanations satisfy them. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Knowing the same, people flock to them.Everyone knows it's all make believe. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later.

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